
Since 2016, the MRCs operate to provide potential and outgoing migrants with information and counselling in various areas, such as overseas employment, rights and protection of migrants, access to education systems in other countries, skills development and vocational training programmes in Pakistan. More importantly, our team of counsellors provides you with awareness on the benefits of safe and regular migration and the dangers and consequences of irregular migration.

The MRC works under the auspices of the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development (MOPHRD) and the Department of Labour Punjab (DoL).

In essence, MRCs strive to provide:

  • Clear, accessible and understandable information to potential migrants on possibilities for orderly migration, as well as rules and regulations, including relevant pre-departure information;
  • Pre-departure orientation and information on work and living conditions abroad and their rights and obligations to outgoing migrants;
  • Awareness raising of and providing clear information to potential migrants on the risks and dangers associated with irregular migration.

MRCs do not only focus on the general public/future migrants but also other, institutionalised stakeholders (governmental and non-governmental), who are directly or indirectly involved in the facilitation or communication of migration related issues. Thus, MRCs conduct several information sessions at vocational and technical training schools, universities, colleges and schools as well as with the communities.


Our counsellors continuously research and collect updated information on regular migration pathways for Pakistanis. We can support you with the following information and activities: 

  1. Customised and country specific pre-departure trainings upon request
  2. Career counselling and information on scholarship opportunities
  3. Providing counselling and psycho social support, behavioural adaptability and communication skills to the intending, outgoing and returning migrants
  4. Awareness raising on safe and regular migration and travel abroad
  5. Information sessions at schools and universities
  6. Provision of updated migration information on Facebook, the MRC website, Instagram and Youtube
  7. Supporting return and reintegration of the migrants by linking with relevant departments/ organisations
  8. Design and deliver training on financial literacy for migrants and their families








The MRCs are funded by the European Union under the project “Improving Migration Management in the Silk Routes Countries” (2017 – 2021) and were established in 2016 under the project “Support to the Silk Routes Partnership for Migration under the Budapest Process” as well as in collaboration with ILO.

The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs furthermore funds additional awareness raising actions, journalist trainings and capacity building for government and NGO counterparts in 2019-2021 (MARIP).

The European Union, in cooperation with Austria and Bulgaria are funding additional community outreach, awareness raising and capacity building actions through the project “Awareness raising and information campaigns on the risks of irregular migration in Pakistan” (PARIM).