Before you leave

Before leaving the country take the pre-departure orientation at the Protectorate of Emigrants Office.

MRCs also provide pre-departure session/training to the prospective and outgoing migrants. In these sessions, MRC counsellors try to provide accurate and latest information to the participants regarding safe migration. Employment, settlement or education, whatever the reason for your migration, we will provide tailor-made information which are must to know for you.

These information will help you make smart decisions and to adapt to the new surroundings abroad. We conduct these sessions at different technical and vocational institutions, colleges and universities. Through these sessions/trainings you will get to know about the common migration trends, benefits of safe migration, risk and consequences of smuggling and human trafficking.

In addition to this session, MRCs regularly conduct awareness sessions on safe migration in remote areas. The sessions the MRCs conduct are free of cost.

Please contact us or visit our MRC Islamabad and Lahore offices if you want us to visit your academic institutions or community to raise awareness on migration.

*Privacy Note: The Migrant Resource Centres applies ICMPD’s privacy rules and data protection principles. Click here to view ICMPD’s Privacy Note.