Returning from abroad

You are experienced now. The skills that you have obtained while working abroad are transferable. You can apply these skills in your motherland, at your new workplace. Perhaps you can apply for a job in your home county-that is similar to your previous work abroad- or start off a new venture on your own. If you want to become an entrepreneur, try to utilise your foreign country experience and knowledge and come up with innovative ideas; create new businesses. Use your own savings and apply for bank loans.

However, some returnee migrants might have unpleasant experiences in their destination countries. You might have been tortured, cheated and forced to return to your homeland . You have every right to complain about it.

If you want to report a complaint you can make it online. BEOE can help you in this regard. Visit, fill in the form and describe the incident. After submitting the complaint you will be given a pin number to check your complaint status.

You can also visit MRCs for advice. We can refer you to responsible authority to solve your problem. This service is confidential, private and free of cost.

*Privacy Note: The Migrant Resource Centres applies ICMPD’s privacy rules and data protection principles. Click here to view ICMPD’s Privacy Note.